Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Wrapping up...

Hi all-
I meant to keep this blog current... however, I'm sure you have been busy just as I have with your internships this summer and can understand why it's been a while! I hope that each of you has been having a great summer and a rewarding internship experience.

Toshi was here last week and the week before. It was wonderful to have his help... we were able to accomplish a great deal. He assisted Jim and I in finishing collecting sediment samples from Harley Gulch. We monitored water quality in Harley Gulch and Bear Creek and took sediment samples from the upper reach of Davis Creek.

This week and early next week I will be wrapping up my sampling. Tomorrow Jim and I will be escorted by a law enforcement officer to the lower reach of Davis Creek. The area is still under surveillance for marijuana gardens and we're not meant to go in there by ourselves. We will be collecting sediment samples tomorrow and hopefully be able to get back in there to do some water quality monitoring on Thursday.

Unfortunately it hasn't been possible to collect soil samples from the Harley Gulch delta this summer, but Jim assures me the work will be done in the fall.

If anyone has any questions/comments/concerns that would best be addressed while I'm up here, please let me know so I can take care of it before I leave!

See you all in about a month!



  1. Yes, this summer has been way too busy. I am starting to stress about all the work we have ahead of us this fall quarter. But I am sure we will get it done. The only thing I can think of is to ask Jim about data he has or knows about that has been collected in the past.

    See you all soon!

  2. I don't think the BLM has any data that would be of use to us. I was under the impression that other group members were reaching out to various agencies this summer to see what help/data they could provide us with. Was this not the result of our final meeting in the spring? I can start making calls, but not until next week because I don't have reliable access to a phone here.
